Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Door that Led Me to Happiness

Being newly, can I say newly if I finished school almost a year ago, graduated from college I have become another pawn in the game called "the real world." Working your average 9-5, paddling extra shifts on the weekend, and trying to pay off those awful student loans and endless amounts of debts. Yes, life may be rocky at times, but can also be quiet grand. You see my "average" 9-5 job is something of a magical place. A bilingual atmosphere of both Israeli and American culture, it's so easy to feel right at home. Morning coffee sessions with my boss as I update him on the happenings of my everyday drama-filled life. Walks around grand central, looking for that perfect puffy pastry to stuff my face with. Best of all it's the fact that my job helps millions start a new life, a clean slate, a new opportunity. A pivotal moment that will change their lives from ordinary to extraordinary. Leaving, often times, family and friends they once knew and immigrating to the beautiful, exotic, and glorious land of Israel. This is the door that leads me to work everyday, this is the door where the first Prime Minister of Israel is displayed front and center, this is the door that welcomes me home, the door that led me to the happiness in my soul.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Working Hard, Paying My Bills

Millions of people commute into NYC everyday, whether by bus, train, or ferry. My method of transpiration happens to be NJ Transit. Now for those of you who travel the traitorous hour or so commute, you know there is always that one day you have to get to the office, but alas a bus gets stuck in the terminal and the trip goes from a cool 40 minutes to over two hours. That was my morning, today out of all the days to be stuck with myself, thinking, replaying last night's break-up debacle, wishing to just get out of this dilapidated contraption and have some human interaction, this was the day the bus had to be stuck in the terminal. There is not much you can do when sitting in a little traveling cubical, except listen to music and look around you. That's when I saw it, the swirling clouds, the darkness that resonated with my charcoal heart, the beautiful scenery of New York City. The City, the land of dreams, whirlpool of culture that never sleeps. My beautiful home for 6-8 hours each day. Even in the darkest of times there is beauty in everyday life. Live, love, and share this beautiful and miraculous day, because even in sadness there is light.

On the way to Port Authority Bus Terminal - New York, NY

A Broken Heart Will Heal in Time

Last night my, now ex, boyfriend and I decided to part ways. Our relationship was not going in a good direction, constant fighting, stress, and heartache left us holding to a past we once knew, but could not get to. It's hard to wipe away a year and half of loving, carrying, and sharing every bit of yourself with someone else. Tears stained my face and I sat in bed with a collection of birthday cards, stuffed animals, and cute little trinkets. Saying good-bye is not easy, but it had to be done. We parted ways, sad, but content, and as I lifted my head the line his mom once fed me played in my head, "nothing in life is final, only death, so whatever is meant to be will happen regardless."

Saying good-bye is not easy, losing a partner, a friend, a lover, but this blog is my road to recovery and each day there is something beautiful you can discover.

The sunrise fills my heart with warm love - Wayne, NJ